Sober-Minded Money Mindset Decluttering

Examine to acknowledge, and accept: 

(2.5 minute read).

Our brain is biased. Whether we recognize it or not, we are being shaped by conditioning and programming instilled into us each and every day that influences us. Sometimes this is helpful for us, sometimes….not so much, and sometimes it’s downright harmful.

Every once and a while, it’s a good idea to clear the clutter and noise so we can be as sober-minded as possible to make financial decisions from a clear perspective to evaluate choices in a way that best suits our present needs and future aspirations.

We need to extend compassion to ourselves and others that are a part of our story. We're all doing the best we can with what we know and understand. Our present financial situation is a result of past choices we've made. Once we accept ownership and responsibility for our financial choices, we realize we're the main influencers of our financial future.

Start with a clean slate:

The best place to start in moving forward with a healthy money mindset is with a clean slate: one that is unencumbered and unhindered by less-than-helpful voices.
Take a few minutes to consider the questions below. If you share finances with someone, include them in this process and take time to understand their perspective. 

Just remember the acronym: PPPPE (not the Covid-19 Personal Protective Equipment)

5 questions to declutter the noise: 

⭐️ P: Parents and Family :

What direct or indirect money messaging did you receive from your parents or close family members? 
(Mine were 'unfrivolous'  and sometimes conveyed the idea of lack.)

⭐️P: Peers: 

How does your circle of friends live and spend their money? 
(Peer pressure is real for all ages. There was a season when I felt pressured to spend money on going out to keep up with my friend group.)

⭐️P: Past Experiences:   

What past events and experiences have you lived through that have shaped your financial perspective?  
(I had a real fear of the stock market after losing a good amount of money during the 'great recession' of 2008/2009 -- right as I was starting out on my own.)

⭐️P: Popular Culture:

How do the media and surroundings you are exposed to shape your idea of 'normal'? 
(When I was a teen - working in the mall influenced me to chase fashion trends and spend my paycheck in my mind before I even received it!)

⭐️E: Expectations:

What type of lifestyle do you expect to have or assume you deserve? 
(Most people naturally want to meet or exceed the standard of living from which they were raised.)

We all have different backgrounds and ideas. What's right for some isn't for others. The good news is that you get to be in the driver's seat of your finances and can pace your lifestyle spending to fit within your means. YNAB (You Need A Budget) software does a great job of helping us manage just that. I'd love to help you learn how it can work for you too. 

Did reading these questions bring an 'Aha!' moment to mind? Have any feedback, questions, comments, or suggestions? I’m all ears and would love to hear it. Just hit reply, and I WILL email you back!

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading – you’re the best! If you enjoyed this, please do pass it along.

For more bite-sized inspiration, encouragement, and personal stories, please follow me at the social links below.


For the love of hammers.